Friday, September 19, 2008

Polite little man, and the scammer!

I want to share with you an example of GREAT parenting and then an example of the not-so-great. Remember, these are personal observations and I am the farthest thing from being experienced in parenting - but, you'll get the jist...

We have these super close friends – Josh and Kris, and they have a son (and are expecting a daughter on November 12) that completely warms our hearts. He is 3 years old – going on 15 and is the most polite little man I have ever met.

Take for example when I talked to him on the phone this week. I was planning on going over to their house on Wednesday night for a Tupperware party (which I ended up making), but I didn’t know if I would be able to because of other work commitments that I had originally planned. When I talked to JJ on the phone he was so cute and polite – I just had to share the conversation with you:

Now remember – he’s 3!

JJ: “Sarah, are you coming to the party?”
Me: “I don’t know honey, I am going to try to make it.”
JJ: “You’re going to try?” [in a questionable, sweet tone]
Me: “Yes, I have a work meeting in the cities and I am going to try and stop over after that, but it might be kind of late – okay?” [yes, I realize that I am talking like an adult to this 3 year old, but seriously – you can do that with him!]
JJ: “Okay, well I miss you and you know what? The weather is not bad and you can probably make it – okay?”

It took everything in my power to not get in my car and drive over to his house that night! Needless to say – Ashley and I made it to the party and he was certainly the life of it! He is always so considerate. When Parish and I watch him he looks at his parents and says, "Don't worry mom and dad - I've got Sarah and Parish here. Drive carefully!"
I only hope that our kids some day leave that effect on the people that they meet in their lives.

Then there's the little scammers in our neighborhood. CUTE as can be, but scammers.

Two days ago, Parish and I were making dinner when the doorbell rang. It was two little girls who had been selling food for a fundraiser. They both show up at the door with books - the SAME fundraiser, different elementary schools. So, we couldn't buy from one and not from the other - so we made two purchases of the same/equal value so the other wouldn't feel left out.
They stayed for about 10 minutes playing with our dog - they asked us our names and we paid them and they went on their way.

WELL, last night. One of the little girls came back to our house with her grandma. I wasn't home at the time, but Parish was. The little girl, CUTE as can be rang the door bell once again and asked Parish to buy something. Parish looked at her and said, "didn't we buy something from you yesterday?" He was obviously polite when he asked that question - but the little girl LIED to Parish in front of her grandma saying, "No, I didn't come here and you didn't buy anything."

PLEASE. We spent 10 minutes with you guys answering your million questions about why the sky was blue, why my name was Sarah, and what our dog eats. Parish recognized her and called her out on it and she lied. Now, to me - that's an example of bad parenting. Start your kids off early by allowing them to lie. Now I know it's not that big of a deal but when you are surrounded by polite children who are just so fun to be around - you can't help but drop your jaw at other kids like that. I will be surprised if she even still has our check or our order. HA!

Like I stated above, just my opinion.

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