Friday, March 14, 2008

Signs of Spring...

There is rarely anything that excites me more than the thought of Spring coming. That means, spending nights outside on our deck - eating dinner, enjoying a glass of wine, walks around the neighborhood, grilling - almost every night, planting flowers, and leaving the windows open.

I am a huge fan on Summer, Fall and Winter too, don't get me wrong, but it's the "in between" seasons that can really put a damper on things.

Take me for example...for the last two weeks I have been battling a sinus infection - an infection so troubling that I have had three rounds of medications, four trips to the doctors - that's $100 in copays, $90 in Rxs, about $360 in doctor fees and that doesn't even include testing that has been done. That's my spring shopping bill right there!

This is about the time that I start to walk outside. We bought a treadmill, and I love it (although, I haven't been able to use it lately because of these headaches), but it's not the same as being able to walk somewhere. The fresh air, the fact that I can get home at 6 or 7 p.m. and still be able to walk in the daylight, and the feeling of not being cooped up in my house is what I love. We love being outside, and I am so anxious for that!!

So, I think it's safe to say that I have been moping around the house, not feeling well, being bored, just itching to get outside and take in all that Spring has to offer.

Parish has noticed and he doesn't like to see me sick, or tired/exhausted. He is such a great husband, its almost like he knows what I need, even before I do. Yesterday was day 16 of this terrible infection, so when I got home, he surprised me with this beautiful bouquet of flowers! Not only that, but he took me out to dinner and gave me a backrub before I went to bed. I was completely relaxed and so thankful and just wanted to share!

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