Tuesday, December 30, 2008

50 Nifty Facts

Okay, so I can’t promise they are nifty, but I just thought I would share.

1.) My favorite color is blue.
2.) I love when I come across old books from my childhood.
3.) I used to snoop at my grandparents house, hoping I would find something spectacular. After they both passed away I realized that everything I found was what I was always looking for. And everything was spectacular
4.) I have wonderful parents who have always gone to the ends of the earth for me.
5.) I have two sisters that are my best friends.
6.) My sister in-law is so great – we have become really close over the last few years, and I cherish that.
7.) I married my 8th grade crush.
8.) The summer I turned 15 was the summer that forever changed my life.
9.) I dislike diabetes, but I hate cancer.
10.) I was destined to be a dog owner.
11.) I love my dog Jackson so much.
12.) I love my husband’s family.
13.) I read the obituaries, scanning them for unusual causes of death or people who led interesting lives, but were never recognized in the newspaper until their deaths.
14.) I am drawn to historical stories of tragedy – like the Kennedy Curse.
15.) My Grandma Ruth lives in Michigan and is going to be 91 in 2009. She is an amazing woman who I love so much.
16.) I wish my husband wouldn’t have lost his father so young.
17.) I love shopping for gifts for other people.
18.) My favorite books are Tuesdays With Morrie and Marley and Me.
19.) I plan on providing my children (someday) with the best life possible.
20.) I love my job and the company I work for. I feel rewarded and blessed.
21.) I love learning new things, but really didn’t like school.
22.) I am more of a hands-on learner.
23.) I love to dance. And sing. Even though I am good at neither.
24.) Target is my vice. If I am bored, that’s where I will be.
25.) I am scared of losing the people closest to me.
26.) When I was younger, and my sisters and I played house – we always started our “playtime” with a theme song. That’s how they did it on sitcoms – I thought that’s how you were supposed to do it.
27.) I love helping my dad with anything and everything around the house.
28.) I love my annual trips with my mom to Duluth – even when they haven’t held the best of news in the past.
29.) I am so proud of both of my sisters for all they have done in their life.
30.) I love my niece and nephew so much.
31.) I used to be scared of thunderstorms, but now I am a certified storm spotter. Once you understand the beauty of a storm – they are not so scary anymore.
32.) Parish and I find happiness in the simple things in life – a good meal, a nice movie, a good nap, and our sweet dog who shows us so much affection.
33.) I am proud of Parish and I for all that we have done together.
34.) I am excited to be a mom (and no, I am not pregnant…yet).
35.) I love the feel of clean sheets.
36.) My best friend Sara, I swear was my sister in another life. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
37.) I love to cry at sappy movies.
38.) I love getting mail – even if it is bills.
39.) I think my husband has the sexiest legs I have ever seen.
40.) Writing is a hobby I truly enjoy.
41.) I love creating wedding invitations.
42.) I have yet to start my treadmill regimen on a regular basis.
43.) I pray to God almost every single day.
44.) I love the Chronicles of Narnia series.
45.) I like to volunteer my time to help others.
46.) My college experience was incredible.
47.) I wish we could travel more, and someday – we hope to.
48.) I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, probably because I haven’t ever fully followed through with one.
49.) I love reading other people’s blogs.
50.) I have a list of goals that I want to accomplish in my life, which I revisit every few months.


Nicki said...

Oooh I just signed up for this so I could leave you a comment :)

Andrea said...

Happy New Year!!