Monday, December 22, 2008

It's almost here!

Wow, nothing like leaving you hanging for over a month! Sorry about that. I have found myself worn out, exhausted, excited, happy and a bunch of other emotions over the last month and I should have been writing about them - but I somehow didn't have the time!

Here's a update of what we have been doing:

1.) Christmas is this week! YES!! I am so excited, and yet a little sad, as this is our first Christmas without Gooner. I know he will want us to focus our efforts on the true meaning of Christmas and enjoy each others company - so that's what we'll do. He has never asked for anything in the 6 years that I knew him, but before he died he did tell us that he wanted a scanner this year for Christmas. That is one purchase I wish we had made.

2.) Parish is off call today! Poor guy has been on call for the last 2 weeks - don't get me wrong, he loves his job and everything that comes with it, but it gets to be a long night - especially with all of the snow we will be getting. I think we will celebrate tonight by enjoying a nice, cold beer!

3.) I am done shopping!! I have wrapped everything and I am so excited about giving everyone their gift. I know this holiday is so much more than giving/receiving gifts - but I love bringing smiles to everyone's faces! We'll be sure to post pictures after the Holidays.

4.) Ashley is done with college! Congratulations to her for graduating a semester ahead of time! I know you will be a success!

Nothing too much is happening on the home front. We are just excited and ready for a happy and healthy 2009 - that hopefully will have a lot in store for us!

Oh, and to all who gave us Christmas cards - thank you! Our cards will be sent out after the Holidays. We were a little late getting on the ball!

Happy holidays - much love.

Sarah and Parish

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