Monday, October 29, 2007

Weekend up North

This weekend was almost perfect - besides the fact that we didn't get home until 9 p.m. last night. Parish and I headed up to Grand Rapids for our neice's 2nd birthday - pictures will be posted soon. On Saturday though, we got to spend a lot of time outside helping my parents winterize their homefront...what did we do you ask? Well, we picked up leaves, exchanged the lawnmower for the snowblower, put the deck furniture away, hung Christmas lights, and cleaned leaves out of the gutters. A full days work, but it feels really good helping out when my parents did so much for me as I was growing up. They made a delicious steak dinner for us that night and topped it off watching movies until 1 a.m.

Then, Haylee Autumn turned 2 over the weekend and made everyone smile at her birthday party that was held on Sunday. We don't get to see her too much, but when we do - it's always a treat. What's even cooler is that this weekend, she really seemed comfortable with us, even calling us Auntie and Uncle.

Great weekend! Hope yours was wonderful as well.

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