Monday, February 11, 2008

Less Than Two Weeks...and Counting!

I remember the two weeks before our wedding - it was the most exciting, nerve wrecking time of my life. We had just bought a house and moved in, dealt with our scum of a landlord, and still managed to throw a beautiful wedding ceremony and one hell of a reception! My friend Molly's wedding is less than two weeks away and I am so excited for her! I am in the wedding, and am of course excited for that as well, but thinking back to the two weeks before our wedding, I am hoping that her transition goes more smoothly. Who said buying a house, starting a new position in a company and getting married all within two weeks was hard? Ha! :)

Parish and I went up to Grand Rapids this weekend, I was originally just going to go by myself for the day on Saturday, but since Parish's dad is gone now, we want to spend lots of time with his mom and sister - so we decided to make a weekend of it. It was fun, we got to see our families and be in the place we both enjoy so much.

Cindy, Parish's mom, is doing remarkably well. I hope and pray every day that the journey that she now has to face alone will be easy for her. She's got a good start and she is such a strong woman - we feel comfortable knowing that she will be just fine. Of course it's tough and we all go through our little moments, but like I said before - we are finding comfort and laughter knowing that Gooner is in a safe place watching over us. I admire Cindy, for her courage, strength and ability to be a good mother at this time in her life. Losing someone is very difficult, but she talks alot about Gooner a lot, crys when she needs to and most importantly laughs every chance that she gets - just like she did when Gooner was around.

Yesterday our ride home from Grand Rapids was the first time since he died that we actually felt normal. Maybe it was the good night sleep we got the night before, maybe it was the good feeling of going to our own home, maybe it was the bright smile that Cindy gave us when we left, whatever it was - we felt good. And that's important.

I hug Parish a little bit tighter every day, say I love you to my family more, cherish memories that normally I would have just shrugged off, and appreciate every little thing in our life. That's what this whole experience has taught me. Live life like Gooner did - to the fullest and you'll have no regrets!

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