Tuesday, December 30, 2008
50 Nifty Facts
1.) My favorite color is blue.
2.) I love when I come across old books from my childhood.
3.) I used to snoop at my grandparents house, hoping I would find something spectacular. After they both passed away I realized that everything I found was what I was always looking for. And everything was spectacular
4.) I have wonderful parents who have always gone to the ends of the earth for me.
5.) I have two sisters that are my best friends.
6.) My sister in-law is so great – we have become really close over the last few years, and I cherish that.
7.) I married my 8th grade crush.
8.) The summer I turned 15 was the summer that forever changed my life.
9.) I dislike diabetes, but I hate cancer.
10.) I was destined to be a dog owner.
11.) I love my dog Jackson so much.
12.) I love my husband’s family.
13.) I read the obituaries, scanning them for unusual causes of death or people who led interesting lives, but were never recognized in the newspaper until their deaths.
14.) I am drawn to historical stories of tragedy – like the Kennedy Curse.
15.) My Grandma Ruth lives in Michigan and is going to be 91 in 2009. She is an amazing woman who I love so much.
16.) I wish my husband wouldn’t have lost his father so young.
17.) I love shopping for gifts for other people.
18.) My favorite books are Tuesdays With Morrie and Marley and Me.
19.) I plan on providing my children (someday) with the best life possible.
20.) I love my job and the company I work for. I feel rewarded and blessed.
21.) I love learning new things, but really didn’t like school.
22.) I am more of a hands-on learner.
23.) I love to dance. And sing. Even though I am good at neither.
24.) Target is my vice. If I am bored, that’s where I will be.
25.) I am scared of losing the people closest to me.
26.) When I was younger, and my sisters and I played house – we always started our “playtime” with a theme song. That’s how they did it on sitcoms – I thought that’s how you were supposed to do it.
27.) I love helping my dad with anything and everything around the house.
28.) I love my annual trips with my mom to Duluth – even when they haven’t held the best of news in the past.
29.) I am so proud of both of my sisters for all they have done in their life.
30.) I love my niece and nephew so much.
31.) I used to be scared of thunderstorms, but now I am a certified storm spotter. Once you understand the beauty of a storm – they are not so scary anymore.
32.) Parish and I find happiness in the simple things in life – a good meal, a nice movie, a good nap, and our sweet dog who shows us so much affection.
33.) I am proud of Parish and I for all that we have done together.
34.) I am excited to be a mom (and no, I am not pregnant…yet).
35.) I love the feel of clean sheets.
36.) My best friend Sara, I swear was my sister in another life. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
37.) I love to cry at sappy movies.
38.) I love getting mail – even if it is bills.
39.) I think my husband has the sexiest legs I have ever seen.
40.) Writing is a hobby I truly enjoy.
41.) I love creating wedding invitations.
42.) I have yet to start my treadmill regimen on a regular basis.
43.) I pray to God almost every single day.
44.) I love the Chronicles of Narnia series.
45.) I like to volunteer my time to help others.
46.) My college experience was incredible.
47.) I wish we could travel more, and someday – we hope to.
48.) I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, probably because I haven’t ever fully followed through with one.
49.) I love reading other people’s blogs.
50.) I have a list of goals that I want to accomplish in my life, which I revisit every few months.
Monday, December 22, 2008
It's almost here!
Here's a update of what we have been doing:
1.) Christmas is this week! YES!! I am so excited, and yet a little sad, as this is our first Christmas without Gooner. I know he will want us to focus our efforts on the true meaning of Christmas and enjoy each others company - so that's what we'll do. He has never asked for anything in the 6 years that I knew him, but before he died he did tell us that he wanted a scanner this year for Christmas. That is one purchase I wish we had made.
2.) Parish is off call today! Poor guy has been on call for the last 2 weeks - don't get me wrong, he loves his job and everything that comes with it, but it gets to be a long night - especially with all of the snow we will be getting. I think we will celebrate tonight by enjoying a nice, cold beer!
3.) I am done shopping!! I have wrapped everything and I am so excited about giving everyone their gift. I know this holiday is so much more than giving/receiving gifts - but I love bringing smiles to everyone's faces! We'll be sure to post pictures after the Holidays.
4.) Ashley is done with college! Congratulations to her for graduating a semester ahead of time! I know you will be a success!
Nothing too much is happening on the home front. We are just excited and ready for a happy and healthy 2009 - that hopefully will have a lot in store for us!
Oh, and to all who gave us Christmas cards - thank you! Our cards will be sent out after the Holidays. We were a little late getting on the ball!
Happy holidays - much love.
Sarah and Parish
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Bucket List
The Bucket List
Place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not, and send it to your friends.
This is for your entire life!
Gone on a blind date. X
Skipped school. X
Watched someone die.
Been to Canada.
Been to Mexico.
Been to Florida.X
Been on a plane. X
Been lost. X
Been to New York.
Gone to Washington. DC X
Swam in the ocean. X
Cried yourself to sleep. X
Played cops and robber.
Recently colored with crayons. X
Sang Karaoke. X
Paid for a meal with coins only? X
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? X
Made prank phone calls. X
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose. X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue. X
Danced in the rain. X
Written a letter to Santa Claus. X
Been kissed under the mistletoe. X
Watched the sunrise with someone.
Blown bubbles. X
Gone ice-skating. X
Been skinny dipping outdoors. X
Gone to the movies. X
1. Any nicknames? Lovey, Sadie
2. Mother's name? Barb
3. Favorite drink? Diet 7-up or Riesling Wine
5. Body Piercing? Ears. Used to have navel pierced
6. How much do you love your job? I feel very blessed to have my job. The company that I work for takes great care of its employees and I love what I do.
7. Birthplace? Duluth, MN.
8. Favorite vacation spot? Florida, but I am open to new suggestions.
9. Ever been to Africa ? No
10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? yes
11. Ever been on TV? yes12.
Ever steal any traffic signs? Do old license plates count?
13. Ever been in a car accident? yes, just this year.
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4-door
15. Can you drive a standard car? Assuming that standard = manual, then yes.
16. Favorite pie? Pumpkin pie WITH whip cream or Blueberry pie
17. Favorite number? 14
18. Favorite movie? 13 Going on 30
19. Favorite holiday? Christmas
20. Favorite dessert? Pie or a dilly bar.
21. Favorite food? Italian
22. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
23. Favorite brand of body soap? Dove
24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest with extra whitening
25. Favorite smell? cinnamon
26. How do you relax? I read books. Sometimes the same ones over and over.
27. How do you see yourself in 10 years? I hope to be a mom by then, living in a bigger house and doing exactly what I am doing now.
28. Furthest place you will send this message? I am posting this on my blog, so anyone can read it.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Kathryn Louise Rae McDonald
Kathryn Louise Rae McDonald was born at 6:08 p.m. on Thursday, November 6, weighing in at 7lbs, 11 oz and 19 in. long.
We haven't met her yet (hopefully really soon), but we are told that she is absolutley perfect, little blond hair and cute as a button. (no doubt!)
Her older brother JJ is very proud of his new sister too. I believe he was already telling her how much he is going to protect her. Awww...
I will post pictures soon!
CONGRATULATIONS! We couldn't be happier for you guys!
What to get a person who has everything...
If you are interested in seeing a catalog, or hosting your own Home Show (and receiving free jewelry) - please email me at bartenjewels@gmail.com.
Here's a sneak peek at what I am doing for my hostesses in January - so if you are interested in doing something in January, please let me know!
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Amazing miracles and the love of family...
First and Foremost...Happy Halloween! I love this Holiday! Normally, every year, Parish and I spend the night at our house with Jackson, handing out candy to all of the little ghosts and goblins of our neighborhood. This year, since Halloween lands on a Friday we are skipping our normal tradition and heading out for a costume party at the Bednar's! I am not going to reveal what we are planning to be (I will post pictures on Sunday or Monday).
I've been doing a lot of thinking the last week or so about things. Its no secret that we've had a strange year...with many ups and downs. Most recently, we both experienced a death of a close family member within the last 2 weeks. It's kind of surreal how when you are faced with a life-altering event some families become closer, and others - well they drift apart. I never understood how you could do that.
I am so thankful that our family, stuck together and is able to become stronger because of the love and support that we show each other. If I have learned anything this year, it is family is [can be] stronger than anything. When my mom was diagnosed with cancer - our whole family talked almost 4X's a day, sometimes even more. When Parish's dad passed away, even though our loss didn't seem fair, we were all supportive of each other and understood that no matter the role that you played in his life - you were hurting too. I have been following a blog, that I have mentioned several times before - that proves that family is number one.
I just wanted to share that with you again...
What an amazing miracle that has happened for “MckMama” and her sweet little boy. As I mentioned in previous blogs, if you haven’t had a chance to review their site – please do. The link is: http://www.mycharmingkids.net.
Here is an excerpt from her blog…
MckMuffin is our sweet newborn son S! In the womb, he was diagnosed with heart failure: premature atrial contractions at 20 weeks; supraventricular tachycardia, hydrops, and intermittent advanced secondary heart block at 23 weeks; and enlargement of the heart at 32 weeks. When the doctors told us at 24 weeks that our very ill baby would surely die, we chose to give our son completely to God, for He alone knows best. We have not stopped praising our Lord since then, for MckMuffin was healed and was born a well and whole full-term baby!!
And this from one of her entries…
"We can't find anything wrong with his heart at all!" After a barrage of tests, Stellan's heart has proved to look like nothing but a perfectly healthy newborn heart. "I would never have known anything was wrong with him!" The head NICU nurse who attended Stellan's delivery couldn't stop talking about how glad she was to have come to a birth where she ended up not being needed!!!
That is amazing!! I am so happy for that family! If you haven't had a chance to read it - I highly recommend it!!
We are looking forward to some family pictures soon (haven't booked the date yet), and my favorite time of year is coming up...Xmas shopping! I love searching for that perfect gift...
Haylee, our niece turned 3 (although, I can honestly say she is 3 going on 6). Her quick wit and smarts are so impressive! Every time we see her, she amazes us more.
Brooklyn, our cousin - who is pretty much like our niece, turned 4 on the 24th and I spent almost a whole day with her singing the Apples and Bananas song - I love those precious moments.
And lastly, Parish turned 31 on October 16th! He now is the proud new owner of a surround sound system in our living room. He now has the perfect combination for viewing his weekly football games.
Have a Happy Halloween and be safe!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
On another note, our great uncle Rod passed away last week and his funeral is tomorrow. Please keep their family (and ours) in your thoughts and prayers. We know all too well how hard it is to lose someone you love dearly. May the memories of Rod bring peace and comfort in the coming months.
Halloween is Friday and we are celebrating with our friends - I will update you once I get some pictures taken! Stay tuned to what Parish and I are going to be!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Happy Anniversary Honey!
Can't wait to celebrate 100 more anniversaries with you! :)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Congratulations Kintigh's!!
The other weekend when we were home we went to my parents house - it was a Saturday night and Parish and I had talked about heading out to Zorbaz later that night. My mom, sister and I ran to Target to pick up a few things and when we came home...this is what we found...
Needless to say we stayed in that night and watched Sex in the City. He slept until 6:30 a.m. the next morning. Ha!
On October 3rd - Parish and I went up to Giant's Ridge for my friend Melissa's wedding. We had such a fun time dancing the night away - beautiful rooms too!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
For all you blog lovers!
1.) Julie Gobel’s JAG Photography - http://jagphotography-jag.blogspot.com/ This is our cousin Julie on Parish’s side – she has a fantastic talent in photography!
2.) www.mycharmingkids.net - This blog I happened to fall on by accident, and I am sure glad that I did! This is a beautiful blog about “mckmama” and her charming kids. The one spot on this blog that caught my eye was about their unborn child Stellan…They were told at 24 weeks that he would surely not make it, but he is still alive and will be delivered on the 29th of October. They asked for prayer requests and they received a great response. Be sure to check out Stellan’s name gallery on the left hand side. Such creative people!
Hope you all enjoy! Parish and I are heading up to Giant's Ridge this weekend for our friend's wedding - we are so excited!
Congrats Melissa and Andrew!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Beers
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the story of the mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.
The sand is everything else---the small stuff. 'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. 'Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled and said, 'I'm glad you asked.'
The beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers with a friend.' Please share this with someone you care about. I just did!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Polite little man, and the scammer!
We have these super close friends – Josh and Kris, and they have a son (and are expecting a daughter on November 12) that completely warms our hearts. He is 3 years old – going on 15 and is the most polite little man I have ever met.
Take for example when I talked to him on the phone this week. I was planning on going over to their house on Wednesday night for a Tupperware party (which I ended up making), but I didn’t know if I would be able to because of other work commitments that I had originally planned. When I talked to JJ on the phone he was so cute and polite – I just had to share the conversation with you:
Now remember – he’s 3!
JJ: “Sarah, are you coming to the party?”
Me: “I don’t know honey, I am going to try to make it.”
JJ: “You’re going to try?” [in a questionable, sweet tone]
Me: “Yes, I have a work meeting in the cities and I am going to try and stop over after that, but it might be kind of late – okay?” [yes, I realize that I am talking like an adult to this 3 year old, but seriously – you can do that with him!]
JJ: “Okay, well I miss you and you know what? The weather is not bad and you can probably make it – okay?”
It took everything in my power to not get in my car and drive over to his house that night! Needless to say – Ashley and I made it to the party and he was certainly the life of it! He is always so considerate. When Parish and I watch him he looks at his parents and says, "Don't worry mom and dad - I've got Sarah and Parish here. Drive carefully!"
I only hope that our kids some day leave that effect on the people that they meet in their lives.
Then there's the little scammers in our neighborhood. CUTE as can be, but scammers.
Two days ago, Parish and I were making dinner when the doorbell rang. It was two little girls who had been selling food for a fundraiser. They both show up at the door with books - the SAME fundraiser, different elementary schools. So, we couldn't buy from one and not from the other - so we made two purchases of the same/equal value so the other wouldn't feel left out.
They stayed for about 10 minutes playing with our dog - they asked us our names and we paid them and they went on their way.
WELL, last night. One of the little girls came back to our house with her grandma. I wasn't home at the time, but Parish was. The little girl, CUTE as can be rang the door bell once again and asked Parish to buy something. Parish looked at her and said, "didn't we buy something from you yesterday?" He was obviously polite when he asked that question - but the little girl LIED to Parish in front of her grandma saying, "No, I didn't come here and you didn't buy anything."
PLEASE. We spent 10 minutes with you guys answering your million questions about why the sky was blue, why my name was Sarah, and what our dog eats. Parish recognized her and called her out on it and she lied. Now, to me - that's an example of bad parenting. Start your kids off early by allowing them to lie. Now I know it's not that big of a deal but when you are surrounded by polite children who are just so fun to be around - you can't help but drop your jaw at other kids like that. I will be surprised if she even still has our check or our order. HA!
Like I stated above, just my opinion.
New Adventures in Saving Money!
First let me tell you about my latest adventure. There has been a lot that has happened in the last 8 months. Parish and I have had a lot of medical bills this year (to most of you – that is not a shock, nor was it to us!), we are saving for a trip (destination unknown), we are starting to think about having kids (daycare costs scare the you-know-what out of me) so we are trying to constantly add more to our savings account (given this horrid economy).
It’s pretty funny how your priorities change as you grow older, but those are the things that we are excited about saving money for! So, in order to save it, you have to make it right? RIGHT! We do pretty good for ourselves with our careers, and save regularly each month, but I wanted another opportunity to save even more. I knew that I didn’t want to get a part-time job, because my time outside of work is already so precious, the last thing I wanted was another schedule that I had to rearrange around.
I went to a jewelry party about a month ago and hosted one for myself (in which I received over $400 in FREE jewelry). Now, in my profession – accessorizing is a necessity. I love jewelry – so, I thought to myself,“Why not sell it and make some extra money on the side?” “Why not have the biggest jewelry box that you’ve ever owned in your life with tons of options to choose from each day?” and “Why not give someone else the opportunity that was given to me by receiving all that FREE jewelry?” So, that’s my new adventure! I am now an independent distributor with Premier Designs high-fashion jewelry!
Here comes the pitch (you didn’t think I would leave this out did you?) Premier offers a wide array of beautiful, affordably priced jewelry to suit a variety of fashion styles. From classic elegance and contemporary, to vintage romantic and naturally simple. Plus – Premier also backs each item of jewelry with an exceptional Golden Guarantee.
If you are interested in seeing a catalog or hosting your very own Home Show – please give me a call!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Craigslist and Scams - I am getting irritated.
So, Parish and I are trying to sell our living room furnutire. Nothing is wrong with it, we are just looking to change our décor. So - we thought we would post it to Craigslist.
Right on the Craigslist website it shows examples of emails that scammers send – so you can be aware to NOT sell them your items. Here's the advisory:
** CRAIGSLIST ADVISORY ** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping** More Info: http://www.craigslist.org/about/scams.html
So here’s the email that I get from Mr. Rick Coly the other day –
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:26:45
From: rickcoly13@gmail.com
To: sarah_parish@msn.com
Subject: Re: Beautiful Furniture FOR SALE - $999 (Princeton, MN)
Thanks for the prompt response i have instructed my account officer to mailing (overnight) a certified check, while you hold on my behalf. once you receive this, my mover will come pick up at your place. I will be needing the following information to issue out the payment . .
1.Your full name
2.Your mailing address(Physical)
3.Your phone number.
** Please note that the payment will be overnight to your address and it will be delivered within 2 days. I have taken a close look at the ADand am satisfied. I appreciates you saving this for me. Kindly delete the posting as am definitely buying it from you and it would be sad for me to have the payment in the mail only to be informed of the it ssale. I will also wait for the check to clear before i have my movercome for pick up Thanks.
So, this was my response back to him…
Nope. Sorry. I know you are running a scam. The only way that I will accept this is if you come and look at the furniture yourself. Are you serious? Come on. Why don't you do a little research on the scam emails that Craigslist already posts so you can see that the words you are using in your email are the SAME words that are in the scam emails. What is sad is that your pathetic self will probably never be caught - ever. I am forwarding this email to Craigslist so that your name - Rick Coly is flagged. If that even is your real name.
I really hope that someday these idiots will learn. It really makes me mad – we have had previous luck on Craigslist, but lately all that seems to happen is you get responses from these d-bags. Ugh.
So to all posters on Craiglist - beware.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Crazy Busy
Here are some highlights of what we’ve been doing for the past few weeks:
- The best news is that my mom is done with her radiation treatments! It's been a long road for her and we couldn't be happier that this part of her journey was a success and is complete. She has a good prognosis, so please continue to keep her in your prayers. She has to go back in 3 months I believe - to be rechecked. That's a little nerve racking, especially when you've been seen by a nurse or a doctor practically every day since May 4.
- While I was slaving away de-cluttering our house (just kidding, I really had a good time), Parish was able to go up North to Two Harbors with his friend Dave. They enjoyed a weekend of fishing, golfing, campfires and good food. He had a blast and I am so glad that he did.
- I went shopping for the first time in a long time and actually found some great clothes. I always have a problem shopping – either it’s too small or too big, it never fits just right – but I lucked out this time, which I am happy about.
- Work related, things have been busy, but I am enjoying my job more and more each day. This is truly what I was meant to do! Parish is still enjoying St. Francis and he gets to go to 4 – 10s in September, so he’s really looking forward to that.
- We are headed to the State Fair tomorrow (8/23) with Josh, Kris & JJ – should be a great time. I can’t wait to see JJ – its been too long and I am sure he’s even more hilarious and polite. He makes me want to have kids – so well behaved. Kris is moving right along with the new baby - I think she had 11 or so weeks left, so we are really looking forward to meeting their new, healthy baby girl!
- We are looking forward to Parish’s mom and grandparents coming on August 29. Thankfully, they will be here to help me with the sale…so that’s good!
- Happy 22nd Birthday to my sister Ashley! She was just offered a really good position with American Medical Systems – so that when she graduates, she doesn’t even have to stress about finding a job. She’ll be 22, making great money, living in Minnetonka and so independent. We are proud of you Ash!
- My Grandma’s sister, Aggie, isn’t doing too well. She’s been a surrogate Grandma to us, along with Anna since our Grandma passed away. Please pray for her strength and healthy recovery. She’s 94 years young and has lived a great life – but she’s a fighter, and I don’t think she’s ready to give up just yet.
Hope you have a great weekend! TGIF!
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's ALL fun and games!
The first day, we felt out of place - I mean what were we to do with no TV? We have one in our bedroom, but that's lame to go in there at 5 p.m. and stay for the remainder of the night - so we have made EVERY NIGHT....GAME NIGHT!
I have dominated in 4 games of Phase 10 and 2 games of LIFE. I forgot how much I love that game!
It's even better now that we are older and we actually understand that life can throw you curve balls - or broken $200 TV bulbs...it's just too bad that we don't go through the "real life" by eventually ending up at milllionaire mansion, turning over our life cards and end up winning $655,000! ha!
So, now that we've been without for a while, I hope we continue to make time to dive into fun board games. It's one thing to have found your soul mate, but it feels like quite the total package when you've found the BEST board game competitor ever!!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Gladys is a HOOT!
If you have 6 minutes - you have to watch this crazy 88 year old talking to Ellen. Gladys Hardy loves Jesus but likes a drink!
It made me laugh out loud a few times...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Month in Review
I became a certified storm spotter in April and have had a lot of fun - especially this last month - tracking storms, determining what cloud is which - and I have even had the chance to call in some rotation!
Here's a cloud that Parish and I spotted in between Princeton and St. Cloud. I placed arrows on the clouds that I was watching - pretty soon, we were under a tornado warning and the sirens actually went off on July 19. This day went from being sunny to wind gusts of 50 + mph in a matter of an hour.
This picture - is from wdio.com - but I wanted to post it because of the obvious cloud that was hovering over Grand Rapids on July 14. I couldn't believe this. It is so beautiful yet so dangerous looking all at the same time. Luckily, this cloud didn't cause as much damage as it could have. Thanks goodness. You can see more pictures of this cloud at www.wdio.com under Weather Photos.
We celebrated my great aunt anna's 90th birthday on July 12th. It was so nice to see all of our family again. Pictured here is my mom (doesn't she look great?) and my cousin Colleen - who is more like an aunt to us.
Here's Jackson on July 3 - we are very lucky to be able to watch Princeton's fireworks from the comfort of our own deck. It's nice not to have to drive over to the fairgrounds, find parking, etc. Last year - Jack didn't know what to think, but this year - he loved being outside with us!
Finally, on July 17 - I had the chance to meet some of my old roomies in Maple Grove for dinner and drinks - it was so great to catch up with them! (LtoR: Natalie, me, Janelle). Can't wait for next month!! :)
It's been a great month so far - I just can't believe July is almost over! Where has the time gone?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
How cute is this?!?!
Other random notes:
Congrats to Jacquelyn and Brian Senske on their beautiful baby boy - you can check him out in the blog portion of her website - http://jacquelynsenske.wordpress.com/
Happy 90th Birthday Aunt Anna - hope you enjoyed your party!
Please keep my friend Nicki and her family in your prayers - her uncle died unexpectedly earlier this week due to heart problems. It's been a rough week for her.
Happy Birthday Melissa on Friday - hope you enjoy your day and sorry I won't be able to be at work to celebrate with you!!
To see sweet pictures of a storm that hit the Northland - check out wdio.com - as a storm spotter - I love to see pictures like this! It amazes me the beauty and danger of a storm. Perfect mix.
Have a great week! Tomorrow is my friday!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tisk, Tisk - microphones are HOT!
In regards to the upcoming Presidential election – I have actually enjoyed sitting back and taking in all of the information that each candidate has to offer. I think this is the first year where I have taken such an active interest in it. Maybe it’s because a woman was campaigning, or an African American, or maybe it’s because I want to really know about this election when and/or if this is the year that will forever change history books.
What I know for sure is how appalled I was at Reverend Jackson’s comments. The comments he made in what he thought was a “private conversation.” If you are ever hooked up to a mic – there is a potential of it being HOT! As a public figure he should already know that if you are wired – don’t say anything that you wouldn’t want to disclose to thousands of listeners.
Rev. Jackson spent most of his day yesterday apologizing for the rude remarks that he made about Senator Obama. Being in PR myself – I know first hand how damaging one little comment can be and just how long it will take the media to forget about it. His message has always been consistently, KEEP HOPE ALIVE.
I think the moral of the story is “Keep hope alive, and all personal attacks to yourself.”
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What's on tap...
My good friend Sarah and I have a lot in common, but something else we have in common is that our mom’s were diagnosed with cancer this year, albeit, different cancers – but it’s nice to talk to someone who is going through a similar thing. Sarah’s mom Sandy has a Caring bridge site – her website is: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sandykarasch
Pray for her as well, she has a long road a head of her – but she’s a fighter and is doing extremely well.
My sister Ashley is having surgery as well on July 18 to remove a lump in her breast. She found it a few years ago, and has been monitoring it, and the doctors don’t seem too alarmed, but with everything that has happened with my mom – she doesn’t want to take any chances. I took the day off of work to go with her, because my mom has treatment that day. So Ashley will be resting in Princeton after her surgery.
I have such a wonderful husband. For my birthday, he is remodeling our bedroom – it looks beautiful! He will have it complete within a week and I can’t wait to enjoy it. I will post pictures, as soon as it is finished.
It’s pretty stormy here today – we need the rain, but I hate bad weather.
Monday, July 7, 2008
4th of July weekend
Just wanted to share with you a picture of our new nephew - this is from our cell phone, so the pictures didn't turn out as great.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Michigan Trip
What a fun vacation! Parish and I arrived at Grandma Ruth’s on Thursday, June 12 – it was a long day, so before we headed over to see Grandma – we took a nice (very much needed) 3 hour nap.
The flight went well – Parish loved it (as I knew he would). Here are some pictures from Parish's window seat...
I can’t believe that our vacation is over with. We learned so much about our family, got to know our cousins a lot more and made priceless memories – some too funny to even mention (you guys know what I mean)...
I wanted to introduce the loyal blog readers to my cousins. By the way – we couldn’t stop talking about all of you!!
Benny and Skyler – the most talented long boarders that I’ve met. Skyler does these “pretty” moves that look so awesome and Benny can walk across his board like there’s nothing to it. It was so much fun to sit and listen to them – their brotherly bond reminded me of me and my sisters – they can find fun where ever they go.
Tim – Parish and I got a chance to get to know Tim pretty well. The last time I saw Tim was years ago – I think it was before I turned 10, so it was really nice to spend some time with him. He has a new appreciation for things in life that also is contagious. Parish and I wish him nothing but the best and we can’t wait to see him again next year!! Below is a picture of most of the cousins on the dune ride...
Danny (directly to the left of me in white shirt) – Probably one of the funniest people that I have met – the kind of guy that says what’s on his mind, and yet is so caring. Parish and I had a blast with him on the sand dunes, side bar conversations on Grandma’s patio. When he walked into grandma – we knew we’d instantly love that guy! Big smile, just loves life (oh, and Hannah, his girlfriend, of course)!
Garrett (the far left) – I can’t believe that he is 12 (well actually 12 and ¾) ! Seriously, my cousin Garrett looks like he is 17 or 18. I totally would have guessed that he was entering high school. What a nice guy too – bringing Grandma tea in the morning…he was also our tour guide as he led us to the sand dunes. Again, we had an absolute blast and can’t wait to see them again. Garrett told us not to sit where he was sitting because you would get really wet. Apparently, I was "safe" in my spot. Ummm...not so much! :)
Jenny – Wow, are we twins? Jenny shares the same clumsiness that I have – it was her (not me) that left with a fractured foot – and I was almost willing to put money down on the fact that I would have been the one to hurt myself. She attempted long boarding with Benny and Skyler and ended up landing on her foot wrong. We shared so many laughs about our tumbles and ER trips that we’ve done in the past and realized that we have more in common than what we thought. Jen – hope your foot heals fast!!
This is all in addition to our fabulous aunts and uncles that we haven’t seen in ages either! Plus - Herbert and Judy and Jim and Diane, it was an absolute treat to meet you guys.
We love them all and can’t wait for next year. What do we got – like 360 days left? Can’t wait!!
Oh, and thanks to Grandma - who is 90 years young!!
Love you all and thanks for a great weekend.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Chaston William Finckbone
Yesterday, Parish's sister, Nicki, had a beautiful baby boy (by C-section) at 7:47 a.m.
Chaston William Finckbone was 5 lbs. 11 oz. and 18 inches long! He's just a little peanut!
Proud parents: Nicki Barten & Chad Finckbone
Sister: Haylee Autumn Finckbone
Both mom and baby are doing well and expected to go home on either Thursday or Friday. Parish and I haven't had a chance to meet him yet, but when we get back from our trip and we get a chance to get up to Grand Rapids - I will post pictures!
Congrats Nicki and Chad!!!
Today's my last day of work for a while. I am leaving this afternoon a bit early to finish up a few last minute errands!!!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Memorial weekend pictures
What a great group - can't wait for next year...
Group shot - beautiful weather
In other news...my sister in-law, Nicki will be having a baby tomorrow (C-section). She goes in at 7:30 a.m., so stay tuned for an update on our beautiful new addition to our family!
Weekend Review
On Friday, we bought a new car - 2008 Chevy Cobalt to replace my cavalier - we got a good deal on it, and the settlement that we received help us a lot. Then, right after we signed the papers, we headed to Grand Rapids for our friend's wedding reception. Below are some pictures from the night...
This is a picture of Parish and I taking a break from dancing. The next day, we were so sore and wondered what the heck happened to us! It's so funny what a few beers can do - we always laugh the next day because at the time (we think we are so good) haha!!
Again, what the heck are we thinking? We look like puppets. Hey, at least we can laugh about it!
Kristin & Michael (and Judd) rocking out
Then, the next day we woke up early, struggled on our ride home to get to Gavin's birthday. I can't believe that he is 5!! It's so amazing. I just love those kids to pieces. He had a transformer birthday party - and he probably got all of transformer toys that were ever made!!
We leave for our trip in 3 sleeps! I can't wait to just leave MN for a while and relax. I will be sure to upload pictures - it's Parish's first time in an airplane. It's so cute how excited he is!
Have a great week.